
The purpose of this website is to inspire you. It is to provide you with some basic information that you can use to support you in your healing. AND it is a gateway to connect if you are ready to make a change in your life.

As human beings we are wired for connection.

Our nervous systems have developed over millennia to allow us to (before cognition) evaluate our surroundings quickly to keep us safe and out of harm. This inborn precognitive body wisdom will do whatever it can to make sure we survive, even if this means ‘playing dead’ or being always ready for a fight, or antsy or disconnected and spacey.

Our intelligent nervous system is designed to be able to tolerate stress and return to a state of calm awareness… up to a point. When we have too much stress, or unrelenting stress for way too long, our nervous system gets stuck.  When this happens stress does not go away. When the ‘threat’ is gone our body may still act as if it is there. This  can result in anxiety, depression, disconnection and pain. Of course when these body states take us over, it is easy to want them to ‘just go away’. Today’s society reinforces numbing out, through medication, media, technology, shopping, surgery, food, you name it, even meditation!  YET if instead of wanting our symptoms to go away, we listen, there is a message in our pain that something needs to change. The message is that our life is calling us to be more alive!

My background and experience in working with thousands of individuals has proven that this is true. Over and over I have been shown that trauma and pain (yes even the worst cases) can shift into ease, vitality, forgiveness, compassion and joy.

Watch some of the ‘Client Stories’ and better yet, find out for yourself by stepping through the gateway.

I look forward to meeting you.

Dr. Catherine